Did you know that botanical names ACTUALLY mean something? Here’s a short list of some common species names that will help you understand what it is you’re looking at.
acaulis | stemless |
alba | white |
angustifolia | narrow-leaved |
annua | annual |
argentea | silvery |
arvensis | of the field |
auratiaca | orange |
aurea | golden, yellow |
australis | from the south (not necessarily Australia) |
autumnalis | of autumn |
azurea | blue |
caerulea | blue |
caespitosa | dense |
campanulata | like a bell |
campestris | of the field |
canadensis | from Canada |
capensis | from the Cape, South Africa |
chinensis | from China |
chrysantha | yellow |
coccinea | red |
compacta | compact |
decidua | deciduous |
densiflora | dense-flowered |
digitata | leaves like a hand, with 5 lobes |
esculenta | edible |
farinosa | floury, powdery |
flava | yellow |
flora plena | with double flowers |
foetida | with an unpleasant smell |
glabra | smooth |
grandiflora | large flowered |
hirsuta | hairy |
humilis | short |
japonica | from Japonica |
lanceolata | lance-shaped leaves |
latifolia | wide leaved |
longiflora | with long flowers |
longifolia | with long leaves |
lutea | yellow |
macrantha | with large leaves |
macrorrhiza | with large roots |
maculata | spotted |
majus | bigger |
maritima | near the sea |
micrantha | small flowered |
microphylla | with small leaves |
millefolia | with many (thousands of) leaves |
montana | from mountains |
multiflora | many flowered |
nana | small |
officinalis | with herbal uses |
pallida | cream |
palustris | from marshes |
parviflora | small flowered |
parvifolia | small leaved |
pauciflora | few-flowered |
paucifolia | with few leaves |
pendula | hanging |
perennis | perennial |
pinnata | with pinnate leaves |
polyphylla | with many leaves, leafy |
praecox | early, of spring |
prostrata | prostrate |
pumila | small |
punica | red |
purpurea | deep pink |
pygmae | small |
quercifolia | oak-leaved |
rosea | rose pink |
rotundifolia | round leaved |
rubra | red |
rupestris | of hills |
sanguinea | blood-red |
sativa | cultivated |
saxatillis | of rocks |
semperviva | perennial |
sibirica | from Siberia |
spicata | spiked |
spinosa | spiny |
stellata | starry |
sulphurea | yellow |
sylvestris | from the woods |
tenuifolia | with thin, narrow leaves |
umbellata | flowers in an umbel |
vernalis | of spring |
villosa | hairy |
viridis | green |
vulgaris | common |
Showing 1 to 89 of 89 entries