After receiving may requests, I’ve decided to offer an online landscape design course for anyone interested in becoming a better designer. Read on to learn more and decide if it’s for you.
Who is this online landscape design course intended for?
This online landscape design course is appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about landscape design so that they can go on to design and create great spaces. It’s designed to help both hardcore home gardeners as well as landscape professionals looking to add landscape design to their list of services offered. You will be provided with a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
How do I take this course?
The units will be taught via video lessons. There will be PDF handouts, as well as assignments.
Am I totally on my own?
My goal is for you to work independently, but I want you to succeed. I offer weekly office hours on a first come, first served basis.
Intro to Landscape Design Online Course Objectives:
After completing the Revolutionary Gardens Intro to Landscape Design online course, students will be able to:
- be able to identify the key components of any landscape design
- conduct a basic site assessment as the first step of the design process
- utilize basic drafting skills to create a base map and plan-view drawings of both planting plans and landscape plans that include hardscape elements.
- select appropriate plants for the region and the site, and place them in the plan drawing
- perform space planning to create functional outdoor spaces
- understand the principles and elements of landscape design
Intro to Landscape Design Online Course Outline:
Unit 1: Landscape design – where to start.
We’ll discuss the basic elements of all landscapes, common problems landscape design is used to solve, and how to gather information from the client/end user to discover what problems we’re solving.
Unit 2: Conducting a site assessment –
I’ll show you how to create a base map of a property to start the landscape design process. We’ll cover how to utilize a survey plat, what and how to measure, and the most efficient way to inventory plant material and other existing conditions.
Unit 3: Drafting 101: creating your base map –
In this unit we’ll start by reviewing your basic hand drafting tools and what they’re used for. We’ll then take the data gathered in unit 2 and use it to create your first base map.
Unit 4: Drafting 102: making drawings look good –
In unit 3 we focused on just getting information onto paper. In this unit, we’ll talk about a variety of simple techniques – line weight, shading, etc – that can make your drawings pop (and be much, much easier to read and understand)
Unit 5: Basic building materials and methods –
Here we’ll cover the most common materials used in landscaping and how they’re installed. We’ll cover stone, pavers, concrete, CMUs, SRW materials and techniques, and more. Note: more advanced materials and methods, including decks and roof structures, are covered in my Advanced Landscape Design course.
Unit 6: Plant selection and placement –
In this unit we’ll discuss USDA planting zones and what they really mean; the best resources for understanding how a plant will perform in the landscape; and how to select for characteristics such as size, color, texture, and massing when creating your landscape design.
Unit 7: Drafting 103: Creating your first landscape plan –
Using the knowledge learned thus far, we’ll complete your first simple planting plan.
You can complete the work entirely on your own, but you are encouraged to scan and electronically submit your drawings for me to review and markup up to three times (for the same drawing).
Unit 8: Space planning –
Space planning is hands down my favorite part of design. If you make a space too big or too small, or too awkwardly shaped, it’ll never be used. In this unit we’ll talk about what considerations are vital in creating a comfortable, human-sized space that people will want to use.
Unit 9: Drafting 104: Your first full landscape master plan –
Everything you’ve learned so far has built up to this. You’ll use everything learned so far to create a complete landscape master plan that includes plants, lawn areas, patios, walks, and retaining walls (if needed).
You can complete the work entirely on your own, but you are encouraged to scan and electronically submit your drawings for review and markup up to three times (for the same drawing).
Unit 10: Advanced techniques –
We’ll conclude the intro course with a discussion of the advanced techniques that make a good landscape design great. We’ll cover the principles and elements of landscape design, and you’ll get to see examples of these in action. You’ll need this information to succeed if you move on to my Advanced Online Landscape Design course.
What does the Intro to Landscape Design online course cost?
This online course is available through January 31, 2016 at the introductory price of $397. After February 1, 2016 the price will increase. Registration for the course opens December 11, 2015. Please fill out the form below to be notified when registration is open.